“Education Ltd.”—The Influence of British Earl of Cromer on the Education System in Egypt (1883-1907)
Yossi Maman, Janan Faraj Falah
History, Education, British Council, Egypt
Advances in Historical Studies,
Vol.7 No.2,
This research focuses on a historic issue: the
influence of the Earl of Cromer (who served as the British Consul-General in
Egypt) on the local education system. The research reflects an
inter-disciplinary approach—education and history. Coping with the issue
was done via examination of the declared educational goals and the activities
in practice as well as the local population’s responses to the activities.
Allegedly, Cromer failed in his attempted reforms in Egyptian education. This
article attempts to examine the issue from a process-holistic approach
attributing meaning to all actions taken by Cromer in the education system. The
major leading goal of this research is the examination of the education system
in Egypt during the British occupation, when the Earl of Cromer served as the
British Consul-General from September 11, 1883 to the end of his term on May 6,
1907. Cromer is claimed to have ailed his reforms in Egyptian education, and so
this article will attempt to separate the educational goals set by the British
and Cromer and the actual practice in the field. We will also relate to the
local population’s responses to these activities.