Correlation of Breast Cancer with the Epstein Bar Virus and Human Cytomegalovirus Frequency and the Expression of Estrogen Receptor-Beta and IL-6 Receptor in Iraqi Women
Hayder Kadhim A. L. Shadood, Saad Abdul-Aziz Atiya, Gholam Ali Kardar
Cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr Virus, Breast Cancer, Protein Expression
Natural Science,
Vol.10 No.5,
ABSTRACT: Background and Purpose: In Iraq, breast cancer is the common type of female malignancy. Increasing indication in the past 10 years proposes that Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and cytomegalovirus (HCMV) are related with some human malignancies including breast cancer. The part of EBV and HCMV in breast cancer is still debatable. Unraveling this relationship is potentiallyessential for better understanding of breast cancer etiology, early recognition and possibly inhibition of breast cancer The purpose of the current study is to detect the correlation between EBV,HCMV and breast cancer in Iraqi women and expression of ERB and IL-6R in breast tissues. Patients and Methods: The study was done on paraffin-embeddedtissues of eighty Iraqi patients with breast cancer in addition to twenty normal breast tissues as controls. Both controls and breast cancer massaredivided into two sections, one for DNA extraction and amplification by real time PCR for detect EBV and HCMV occurrence while the other section processed for protein expression (IL-6R, ERB) by immunohistochemistry technique (IHC). Results: The result showed that 18/80 (22.5%) and 5/80 (6.25%) sample from breast cancer were positive for EBV and HCMV respectively, with thep-value= 0.062 and 0.597 and the results of IHC for IL-6R and ERB expression in patients with breast cancer were 37/80 (46.25%) and 30/80 (37.5%)p-value=(0.274 and 0.381) respectively. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that EBV might have a role in the pathogenesis of breast cancer and absence this role between HCMV with breast cancer. These findings were based mainly on EBV, HCMV detection by PCR technique. So,the rolesof these viruses in the development of breast cancer remain unclear.