Numerical Study of the Dynamic, Thermodynamic and Microstructural Parameters of Convective Clouds
Vitaly A. Shapovalov, Alexander V. Shapovalov, Boris P. Koloskov, Ruslan Kh. Kalov, Valery N. Stasenko
Numerical 3D Modeling, Convective Processes in the Atmosphere, Thermodynamic Parameters, Microstructural Parameters, Velocity Field of Air Flow, Particles Trajectories
Natural Science,
Vol.10 No.2,
ABSTRACT: On the basis of a three-dimensional non stationary model of a convective cloud with detailed description of dynamic, thermodynamic and microphysical processes, numerical experiments were conducted to study the formation of parameters of convective clouds under unstable stratification of the atmosphere. Numerical experiments have been carried out to study the formation of convective processes in the atmosphere. The thermo hydrodynamic parameters in the zone of a thunderstorm cloud are determined, and regions with a vortex motion of air are identified. The main flows feeding the convective cloud in the mature stage are determined. Due to the means of visualization, the areas of formation and growth of precipitation particles are identified. In a three-dimensional form, the interaction of dynamic and thermodynamic processes is analyzed. The interaction of fields is manifested in the form of deformation of fields of thermodynamic parameters under the influence of dynamic processes. Trajectories of air streams around a cloud and the trajectories of drops in a cloud are determined. The results of numerical experiments confirm that dynamic processes significantly influence the formation of fields of thermodynamic parameters in the cloud, which also determine the course of microphysical processes and the nature of the growth of precipitation particles.