Left Atrial Myxoma in a Woman with Postpartum Heart Failure: The Culprit or an Incidental Bystander
Musa Mohammed Baba, Mohammed Abdullahi Talle, Faruk Buba, Kabir M. Fagge
Myxoma, Left Atrium, Postpartum Heart Failure
Case Reports in Clinical Medicine,
Vol.7 No.1,
ABSTRACT: Myxoma is a benign and the most frequent tumor of the heart, accounting for approximately 30% of all primary cardiac tumors. Seventy five percent of atrial myxomas are in the left atrium. We present a case of a 20-year-old house wife presenting with biventricular heart failure and chest infection five months after her last child birth. Transthoracic echocardiography showed a mobile left atrial echogenic mass measuring 4.6 × 4.0 cm attached to the interatrial septum. Left ventricular systolic function was mildly reduced (EF 48%) with mitral and tricuspid incompetence. A diagnosis of left atrial myxoma with biventricular heart failure with chest infection was made. She improved on antibiotics and treatment of heart failure, and referred to Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital for further management.