Construction of a Potentiostat to Perform Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) Tests
Francisco Sepúlveda, José Hernández, Andrés Manríquez
EIS, Impedance, LabVIEW
Modern Instrumentation,
Vol.6 No.2,
ABSTRACT: In this work, it was developed the construction of a potentiostat for the execution of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) experiments, using an Agilent 33220a signal generator, a RIGOL 1064b oscilloscope and a protoboard for the connection of operational amplifiers to an electrochemical cell. The coordination of the global operation, in addition to data acquisition, was performed using a code generated in the LabVIEW program. The system analyzed was the corrosion of an 1100 aluminum plate in water, in order to compare the results obtained by other authors. The data acquisition consisted in obtaining the values of amplitude, RMS voltage and phase angle between the generated power signals and the current output, in order to obtain the impedance of the system, for different signal frequencies. Finally, the values obtained were plotted on a Nyquist diagram. In this way, the objective of this article is to demonstrate that with conventional laboratory equipment it is possible to implement an experimental device, capable of delivering results similar to those obtained by commercial equipment.