New Interpretation of Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation
Dalgerti L. Milanese
Orbital Motions, Gravity, Newton’s Second Law, Hook’s Elastic Forces, Fourier, Electrical Circuits, Transformations of Fortescue and Clarke, Instantaneous Space Vectors, Instantaneous Complex Power
Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology,
Vol.3 No.4,
ABSTRACT: Elliptical motions of orbital bodies are treated here using Fourier series, Fortescue sequence components and Clarke’s instantaneous space vectors, quantities largely employed on electrical power systems analyses. Using this methodology, which evidences the analogy between orbital systems and autonomous second-order electrical systems, a new theory is presented in this article, in which it is demonstrated that Newton’s gravitational fields can also be treated as a composition of Hook’s elastic type fields, using the superposition principle. In fact, there is an identity between the equations of both laws. Furthermore, an energy analysis is conducted, and new concepts of power are introduced, which can help a better understanding of the physical mechanism of these quantities on both mechanical and electrical systems. The author believes that, as a practical consequence, elastic type gravitational fields can be artificially produced with modern engineering technologies, leading to possible satellites navigation techniques, with less dependency of external sources of energy and, even, new forms of energy sources for general purposes. This reinterpretation of orbital mechanics may also be complementary to conventional study, with implications for other theories such as relativistic, quantum, string theory and others.