Girolamo Fracastoro and the Origin of the Etymology of Syphilis
Luiz Alberto Peregrino Ferreira, Mariano Barthe Dupont, Gerolamo Fracastoro, Maurizio Rippa Bonati
Girolamo, Fracastoro, French Disease, Syphilis, New World
Advances in Historical Studies,
Vol.6 No.3,
ABSTRACT: In 1530, Girolamo Fracastoro, an illustrious Italian physician and
poet, published a book about a disease that was then known as the “French disease”, which he named syphilis. Fracastoro’s book, Syphilis sive morbus Gallicus, was written as a poem in hexameters verses, using figures from Greek
mythology that provided facts about the Spanish discovery of the New World in
1492. A thorough literature review of the historical facts and mythological
figures mentioned in Fracastoro’s book enabled us to complete an in-depth
analysis of the poem and understand some its smallest details. Hence, we
propose a new hypothesis that the origin of the term Syphilis is based on the
name Sypilus as well as the appearance of people who suffer from the disease.