Article citationsMore>>
Tokarev, Y.N., Bityukov, E.P., Vasilenko, V.I., Evstigneev, P.V., Borodin, D.N., et al. (2003) Plankton Bioluminescents Specific Diversity in the Black Sea and Characterization of the Bioluminescence Field in the Crimea neritic Zone. In: Eremeev, V.N. and Gaevskaya, A.V., Eds., The Modern Solution of Biological Diversity in Near-Shore Zone of Crimean (the Black Sea Sector), ECOSI Hydrophysics, Sevastopol, 121-151.
has been cited by the following article:
Some Theoretical and Applied Aspects of the Oceanic Bioluminescence Registration from Space
Yuriy Tokarev, Vladimir Vasilenko, Olga Mashukova
Plankton, Sea Bioluminescence, Space Systems
Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology,
Vol.8 No.9,
ABSTRACT: The analysis of the surface bioluminescence in the
World Ocean registration problems for the purposes of its regions ecological
express-monitoring and evaluation of the plankton algae spatial distribution at
night time by the existing space systems has been proposed. The connection of
the plankton community characteristics with a bioluminescent potential (BP) in
the euphotic layer and a possibility to evaluate BP according to
bioluminescence intensity in the near-surface layer of 0 - 10 m has been demonstrated. It has been shown that
with complete correspondence with the vertical structure in the plankton
community at the dark time bioluminescence intensity in 0 - 10 m layer exceeds the same in 60 - 70 m layer for one and a half orders and practically
determines BP in 0 - 100 m layer. Peculiarities of the plankton organisms
light emission, important for the oceanic bioluminescence registration with the
space means of observation are under discussion. Equation for calculation of
the measured by the space device sea luminescence level and volume of the
bioluminescence intensity in the surface layer of theWorldOcean,
which can be registered due to modern technical means of the space systems has
been corrected. The conclusion has been done that on the base of the space data
about spatial and temporal phytoplankton distribution and bioluminescence “in situ” measurements it is
possible to create regional algorithms for transition from numerical
estimations of the phytoplankton (chlorophyll “a”) to the day time
bioluminescent potential and solution of inverse tasks at night time.
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