Technical Barriers to Trade and China’s Trade
Hong Gu
Technical Barriers to Trade, Export Trade, Economic Development
Modern Economy,
Vol.8 No.8,
ABSTRACT: China’s foreign trade volume is growing due to the
increasingly globalized economy and the improvement in China’s international
status. With China’s accession to the WTO and the rapid expansion of foreign
economic and trade and economic rise, technical barriers to trade are widely
used as a measure. In recent years, many Chinese export enterprises have
encountered some of the world’s major developed countries. The impact of TBT
reaches the ultra-billion dollars each year. Therefore, this paper focuses on
the impact on technical trade barriers (TBT) on China’s export trade, from the
perspective of government and enterprises to study countermeasures. Technical
barrier to trade is a trade import control. It has a duality, broadness,
compliance and hidden. China is affected by internal and external causes. External
causes are the protection for national interests, trade barriers, and so on.
Internal factors are China’s trade pattern, industrial pattern imbalance and
export order disorder. For these reasons, the government should establish a
good system mechanism and the enterprises should improve product quality.