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Callini, E., Aguey-Zinsou, K.-F., Ahuja, R., Ares, J.R., Bals, S., Biliskov, N., Chakraborty, S., Charalambopoulou, G., Chaudhary, A.-L., Cuevas, F., Dam, B., de Jongh, P., Dornheim, M., Filinchuk, Y., Novakovic, J.G., Hirscher, M., Jensen, T.R., Jensen, P.B., Novakovic, N., Lai, Q., Leardini, F., Gattia, D.M., Pasquini, L., Steriotis, T., Turner S. and Vegge, T. (2016) Nanostructured Materials for Solid-State Hydrogen Storage: A Review of the Achievement of COST Action MP1103. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41, 14404-14428.
has been cited by the following article:
Comparing of Hydrogen On-Board Storage by the Largest Car Companies, Relevance to Prospects for More Efficient Technologies
Yu. S. Nechaev, V. G. Makotchenko, M. B. Shavelkina, M. Yu. Nechaev, A. Veziroglu, T. N. Veziroglu
GM’ Activities vs Toyota Mirairesults, Prospects on Developing of a Break-Through Hydrogen On-Board Storage Technology, The Solid H2 Intercalation into Graphite Nanostructures, Call on the Project International Cooperation
Open Journal of Energy Efficiency,
Vol.6 No.3,
ABSTRACT: It presented a comparative consideration of General Motors long-term activities on the current subject of fuel-cell-powered electric vehicles vs Toyota Mirai recent results, relevant to prospects on more efficient and safe technologies of the hydrogen on-board storage. It also presented a call on the project International cooperation. The main aim of this paper is to attract attention of General Motors, Toyota and/or other large car companies to a real possibility of developing and using, in the nearest future, of the break-through hydrogen on-board storage technology based on the solid H2 intercalation into graphite nanostructures.
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