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Callini, E., Aguey-Zinsou, K.-F., Ahuja, R., Ares, J.R., Bals, S., Biliskov, N., Chakraborty, S., Charalambopoulou, G., Chaudhary, A.-L., Cuevas, F., Dam, B., de Jongh, P., Dornheim, M., Filinchuk, Y., Novakovic, J.G., Hirscher, M., Jensen, T.R., Jensen, P.B., Novakovic, N., Lai, Q., Leardini, F., Gattia, D.M., Pasquini, L., Steriotis, T., Turner S. and Vegge, T. (2016) Nanostructured Materials for Solid-State Hydrogen Storage: A Review of the Achievement of COST Action MP1103. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41, 14404-14428.

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