Status and Constrain for Mechanization of Rice Harvesting System in Bangladesh
Bidhan Chandra Nath, Yo-Sang Nam, Md. Durrul Huda, Md. Mizanur Rahman, Panna Ali, Subrata Paul
Crop, Harvesting, Mechanization
Agricultural Sciences,
Vol.8 No.6,
ABSTRACT: To know the position, problems and suggestion of harvest mechanization of rice, the study conducted in 21 upzillas under seven regions (Dhaka, Mymensingh, Sylhet, Comilla, Bogra, Rajshahi and Rangpur) based on different agro-climatic condition and cropping intensity and 126 farmers participated in the interview. For collecting data, a structured questionnaire was used and statistical analysis of the collected data was carried out. In study area, the average cultivable area was 225 to 1239 decimal (1 decimal = 40 m2) and 97.60% farmer reaping by sickle and only 0.80% used combine harvester. Cut paddy transported by head (13.49%), shoulders (12.7%) or both of them of 11.11% farmer and 44.44% of farmers used small truck or field threshed. Threshing was mainly done using (49.21%) closed drum thresher and open drum thresher (26.20%), likewise 1 of 126 farmer use head-feed combine harvester. The study area, most farmers (37.3%) used kula for the cleaning of rice, but only 8.74% of farmers used winnower. In considerable amount, 80.95% of farmers had machinery, while the remaining (19.05%) did not have machines. Farmers agreed that harvesting was a labor-intensive method (35.71%) and time consuming (28.57%). Transporting of harvested paddy was dangerous and painful for head, shoulder, hand, waist, backbone, leg, etc. With mechanization and the introduction of machinery, 40.48% of farmers identified the main ceiling as the price of the machine and information/lack of credit system (21.43%). In survey area, most farmers (36.51%) identified the vital advantage of mechanized harvesting as lower labor requirement, while 21.43% of farmers said that a lower loss of rice. All farmers who participated in the interview expressed their need for machinery and mentioned agricultural credit with easy terms and conditions, subsidy for buying machinery and the ensuring of a fair market price for their rice.