Effect of Precipitation on the Hardness of Ternary Metallic Glass
Xue Liang, Jiuhua Chen, Maria Teresa Mora, Jose Fernandez Urdaneta, Qiaoshi Zeng
Ternary, Rare Earth-Based Metallic Glasses (REMGs), Microindentation, Annealing Treatment, Hardness
Advances in Materials Physics and Chemistry,
Vol.7 No.6,
ABSTRACT: The present study reports effects of annealing
treatment on the hardness of Ce75Al23Si2 rare
earth-based metallic glasses (REMG). Then specimens were annealed at 100°C,
200°C, 250°C, 270°C, and 290°C five different temperatures for 30 minutes.
After that, three different characteristic methods, including microindentation,
X-ray Diffraction (XRD), and scanning electrical microscope (SEM) were
conducted on the as received REMG sample and five annealed samples. XRD data demonstrate
that the crystallization occurs in the sample at the annealing temperature as
low as 200°C. The microindentation
measurement shows that hardness of the REMG sample does not change at all
before crystallization occurs in the sample and increases with the annealing
temperature in the range of 200°C to 290°C. The average crystal size in the
annealed samples was estimated using Debye-Scherrer equation to be 28-42 nm, in
consistent with the SEM observation, indicating that nano-crystalline domains
may give rise to the enhancement of hardness.