Correction of “A Recruitment Forecasting Model for the Pacific Stock of the Japanese Sardine (Sardinops melanostictus) That Does Not Assume Density-Dependent Effects”
Kazumi Sakuramoto
Pacific Stock of Japanese Sardine, Stock-Recruitment Relationship, Environmental Factors, Arctic Oscillation
Open Access Library Journal,
Vol.4 No.5,
One error was found in the
coding of the simulation program for reproducing the recruitment (R) and
spawning stock biomass (SSB) of the Pacific stock of the Japanese sardine. As a
result of this error, the maturity rate for age 1 in the simulation was found
to be half of the value cited from the literature. The aim of this paper is to
show the results when the error is corrected. When the error was corrected, the
reproduced R and SSB were slightly higher than the values shown in the previous
paper. When the fishing mortality coeffcients (F) before 2003 and after 2004
were assumed to be 10% higher and 50% lower than the
values cited, respectively, the results
coincided better with R and SSB cited. The only difference between the
simulation conducted in this paper and that conducted in the previous paper is
the assumption that the value of F before 2003 was 10% higher than the values cited. Therefore, the effect
of the error was not serious, and the essential conclusions noted in the
previous paper did not change.