Screening for Hepatitis B and C in Occupational Settings: Cross-Sectional Study about 4268 Corporates Agents in Côte d’Ivoire
Constant Assi, Amadou Ouattara, Siaka Kone, Dramane Soro, Emile Allah-Kouadio, Claude Ghislain Kouakou, Nigué Luc, Benoît-Mathieu Camara, Marie-Jeanne Lohoues-Kouacou
Hepatitis B and C Screening, Occupational Setting, Blood Exposed Enterprise
Open Journal of Gastroenterology,
Vol.7 No.3,
ABSTRACT: Aim: To screen hepatitis B and C in occupational
setting. Methods: Cross-sectional study multicenter in 16 enterprises (one
occupational exposure; 5602 agents). Screening was preceded by information,
sensibilisation and informed consenting physician labor, labor union and
agents. Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and antibodies anti-hepatitis C
(Elisa, third generation) were tested in all. For those with HBsAg positive,
this test was completed by IgM and IgG, anti HBc, HBeAg, antibodies anti HBe,
transaminases and HBB DNA; for those with positive anti-VHC antibodies, test
was completed by transaminases and VHC’s RNA. Results: Rate of participation
was 76.2% (4268/5602 labors). HBsAg or hepatitis C antibodies were positives in
425 (9.9%) of cases (HBsAg positive: 8.48%; Hepatitis C Antibodies positives:
1.50%; both: 0.05%). In HBsAg positive, viral replication and cytolysis were
seen respectively in 2.5 % and 18.2%. According with transaminases, serologic
markers and viral load, immunotolerance, inactive and immuno active phase were
suspected in 0.56%, 80.9% and 1.6% of cases. In hepatitis C antibodies
positives persons, any had viral replication but cytolysis was observed in
33.3% (n = 21). HBsAg was significantively (p