Aloe Vera Gel as a Traditional and Complementary Method for Chronic Skin Burn: A Case Report
Majid Avijgan, Mahsa Alinaghian, Masoud Hafizi Esfahani
Aloe Vera Gel, Burn, Complementary Medicine, Traditional Medicine
Advances in Infectious Diseases,
Vol.7 No.1,
ABSTRACT: Burn victims around the world are forced to a life of long lasting morbidity and high mortality rate. Although physiotherapy and occupational therapy subside the painful side of morbidity after severe skin burns, patients are under huge financial pressure in order to return to health. Various treatment plans are used for severe burn injuries. Aloe Vera Gel is introduced recently as an alternative management for burn injuries through betterment of granulation tissue formation and epithelialization. Moreover, numerous studies reported Aloe Vera healing effect on chronic wounds by manipulating collagen layout. This study aims to present the therapeutic impact of Aloe Vera Gel on chronic skin burns of a 17-year-old female who was referred to our department because of rejected skin graft.