MIP Formulations and Metaheuristics for Multi-Item Capacitated Lot-Sizing Problem with Non-Customer Specific Production Time Windows and Setup Times
Ridha Erromdhani, Abdelwaheb Rebaï
Variable Neighborhood Decomposition Search, Formatting, Metaheuristics, Production Planning, Capacitated Lot Sizing, Mixed Integer Programming, Matheuristics, Production Time Windows
American Journal of Operations Research,
Vol.7 No.2,
ABSTRACT: Our research focuses on the development of two cooperative approaches for resolution of the multi-item capacitated lot-sizing problems with time windows and setup times (MICLSP-TW-ST). In this paper we combine variable neighborhood search and accurate mixed integer programming (VNS-MIP) to solve MICLSP-TW-ST. It concerns so a particularly important and difficult problem in production planning. This problem is NP-hard in the strong sense. Moreover, it is very difficult to solve with an exact method; it is for that reason we have made use of the approximate methods. We improved the variable neighborhood search (VNS) algorithm, which is efficient for solving hard combinatorial optimization problems. This problem can be viewed as an optimization problem with mixed variables (binary variables and real variables). The new VNS algorithm was tested against 540 benchmark problems. The performance of most of our approaches was satisfactory and performed better than the algorithms already proposed in the literature.