White Water Kayaking Risk: Malaysian Perspective
Jaffry Zakaria, Mazuki Mohd Yasim, Md Amin Md Taff, Benderi Dasril, Mirza Azny Mustafa
Injuries, Malaysia, Risk, Adventure Sport, White Water Kayaking
Open Access Library Journal,
Vol.4 No.3,
White water kayaking is the fun sport on fast moving water, typically call white water river. The element of fun and challenge has attracted many people to join this adventure sports in Malaysia. This study examined the risk in adventure sport tourism by white water kayakers in Malaysia. The objective of this study is to reveal the injuries suffered by whitewater kayakers during activity. This 2013 survey will be described using descriptive data only. The survey forms were distributed via kayak clubs and associations under the auspices of the Malaysian Canoe Association (MASCA). The survey asked respondents about their previous injuries during white water kayaking activities. All the data concerning to age, sex, experience and ability was collected from them. A total of 217 respondents provided feedback on this survey. Of the total 217, about 186 respondents experienced injuries during an activity, while the rest did not suffer any injuries while they were kayaking. The result showed only 41% seeks medical attention after injury. These whitewater kayaking activities require physical exertion as well as emotional and mental stability. Good practise and skill can help kayakers avoid injuries and accident during paddling session. This sport has been developing and growing each year. Future studies can also be done by looking for new discipline in white water which is “playboating” which may find different risk and injury.