The Development of Mathematical Logical Reasoning through Computer Programming: The Case of the Computer Programming Olympics for Basic Education Students
Marco Antonio Sandini Trentin, Ariane Pazinato, Adriano Canabarro Teixeira
Informatics Knowledge, Computer Programming, Educational Technology, Mathematical Logic, Educational Games
Creative Education,
Vol.8 No.1,
The challenging resignification and qualified appropriation of technologies are urgently needed in schools because they are constantly present in human life, and their use can be a determining factor in the development of the individuals and the exercise of citizenship. This paper presents the results of an investigation into developments in mathematical logical reasoning among students who participated in the Computer Programming Olympics for Students of Basic Education promoted by the Grupo de Estudo e Pesquisa em Inclusão Digital (GEPID) [Study and Research Group in Digital Inclusion] of the University of Passo Fundo. The Olympics consisted of challenges to be overcome by public school students between the 6th and 9th grades, using the programming software, Scratch. This research study has analyzed the 2013 and 2014 Olympics. Methodologically, this study adopts a qualitative approach, supported by par-ticipatory research methods and a focus group involving one of the participating teams. The instruments for data collection consist of observations, questionnaires, and interviews used to verify the students’ improved mathematical abilities. The data analysis has taken, as its theoretical basis, Papert’s constructionism (1997, 2007), Mortari (2001), and Pozo’s characterization of learning (2002). At the end of the analytic process, we confirmed that programming software propitiates new forms of learning, significantly influencing the development of mathematical logical reasoning.