Generation and Control of Turbulences in a Wind Tunnel
América Torres, Roberto Tapia, Antonio Ramos
Wind Tunnel, Turbulence, Control
Open Journal of Fluid Dynamics,
Vol.6 No.4,
ABSTRACT: In this paper, the generation and control of turbulences in a wind tunnel, for design, analysis and testing of test objects are proposed. Modifications to the wind tunnel are made in order to generate the turbulences in the test chamber. Specifically, for the turbulence analysis, the reflective symmetry concept is used in order to group the different turbulences cases generated in the wind tunnel test chamber. The Ansys software is used in order to model and analyze the wind tunnel. Specific platform or module known as Fluent is used for the analysis of the turbulence generated in the wind tunnel. To design proposal of a wind tunnel capable to generate and controlling turbulences is exposed in this paper. For this, the controller design and verification are performed by means of simulations. To obtain the control law structure, the inversion concept is used. The proposed control law is validated via a co-simulation implemented in the Simplorer module, with the aim of combining the power electronics part, controller and engine, with the proposed model wind tunnel.