Risk Factors for Cervical Cancer in a Sample Comprising Three Generations of Brazilian Women
Ilce Ferreira da Silva, Rosalina Jorge Koifman, Virgilio Augusto Gomes Parreira, Simone Soares, Sergio Koifman
Cervical Cancer, Cross-Section Study, Epidemiology, Sexual Revolution, Brazil
Journal of Cancer Therapy,
Vol.8 No.1,
ABSTRACT: Background: Cervical cancer is the main cause of cancer deaths
in some developing countries. Age-related cervical cancer incidence has been
fundamental for understanding the different stages of carcinogenesis concepts.
No Brazilian study explored the environmental risk factors involved on cervical
cancer, according to age groups taking 70’s sexual revolution in Brazil as
reference. Aim: To determine the prevalence of epidemiological and
clinical aspects related to cervical cancer development in a sample of three
age groups of Brazilian women based on 70’s sexual revolution. Methods: A
cross-section study was proceeded in a hospital-based cohort of women with
altered Pap-test refereed to the National Cancer Institute for Colposcopy and
treatment from October 2004 to May 2006. Two register nurses interviewed all patients
ascertaining risk factors and clinical characteristics. Biopsy, partial
ablation were used for CIN-1, and conization was the treatment for CIN-2/3. Results: From
318 women included in the study, 42.8% were 18 - 30 years old (born after 1975), 43.4% were 31 - 49 years old (born 1955-1975), and 13.8% were 50 - 68 years old (born 1936-1954). Pregnancies (OR = 1.16; CI95%: 1.01 - 1.34) and
menarche under 12 years old
(OR = 1.95; CI95%: 1.17 - 3.25)
were independently associated to CIN2- 3/cancer
in 18 - 30 age group;
menopause age (OR = 1.21; CI95%: 1.04 - 1.41) and current smoking habit (OR = 1.37; CI95%: 1.10 - 1.70) were
associated to CIN2- 3/cancer
in 31 - 49 age group; no statistical significance was observed
for 50 - 68 age group. Conclusion: Brazilian
women present distinct risk for cervical cancer according to the generation
they belong, when taking the Brazilian sexual revolution on 70’s as a