Dynamic Design of Thick Orthotropic Cantilever Plates with Consideration of Bimoments
Мakhamatali K. Usarov
Hooke’s Law, Thick Plate, Dynamic Theory of Elasticity, Three-Dimensional Problem, Bimoment Theory
World Journal of Mechanics,
Vol.6 No.10,
ABSTRACT: The paper is devoted to dynamic design of thick orthotropic cantilever plates by applying the bimoment theory of plates, which takes into account the forces, moments and bimoments; and the theory takes into account nonlinear law of displacements distribution in cross section of the plate. The methods for constructing bimoment theory are based on Hooke’s Law, three-dimensional equations of the theory of dynamic elasticity and the method of displacements expansion into Maclaurin series. The article gives the expressions to determine the forces, moments and bimoments. Bimoment theory of plates is described by two unrelated two-dimensional systems with nine equations in each. On each edge of the plate, depending on the type of fastening, nine boundary conditions are given. As an example, the solution of the problem of dynamic bending of thick isotropic and orthotropic plate under the influence of transverse dynamic loads in the form of the Heaviside function is given. The equations of motion of the plate are solved by numerical method of finite differences. The numerical results are obtained for isotropic and orthotropic plate. The graphs of changes of displacements and stresses of faces surfaces of the plate are presented. Maximum values of these displacements are found and analyzed. It is shown that by Timoshenko theory numerical values of stresses are much smaller compared to the ones obtained by bimoment theory of plates. Maximum numerical values of generalized displacements, forces, moments, and bimoments are obtained and presented in tabular form. The analysis of numerical results is done and the conclusions are drawn.