Motivation for Learning: An Implicit Decision-Making Process
David Palmer
Motivation, Self-Efficacy, Individual Interest
Creative Education,
Vol.7 No.16,
ABSTRACT: Motivation for learning is concerned with the activation of learning behaviors. It has previously been proposed that decision-making models might offer an explanation for how learning behaviors do become activated. The aim of this position paper was to investigate this proposal. The three main decision-making models were described and analyzed. There were problematic aspects common to all the models, so it was argued that some modifications were necessary, in the following way. It was proposed that there are many factors that can influence learning behaviors, and some of these would have a positive influence (e.g., high self-efficacy, high individual interest, supportive peers) whereas others would have a negative influence (e.g., very low self- efficacy, lack of individual interest, disruptive peers, hunger and fatigue). In one particular lesson, a student could experience a combination of positive and negative factors, so this implies that a decision-making event would be necessary in order to determine whether or not learning behaviors become activated. For several reasons, it was concluded that at least part of the process of comparing the factors and making a decision could occur at a subconscious level.