Application of Fractal Theory in Brick-Concrete Structural Health Monitoring
Changmin Yang, Xia Zhao, Yanfang Yao, Zhongqiang Zhang
Brick-Concrete Building, Real-Time Monitoring, Fiber Grating Sensors, Constant Di-mension Fractal, Variable Dimension Fractal, Log-Log Line, Prediction
Vol.8 No.9,
ABSTRACT: In order to monitor and forecast the deformation of the brick-concrete building, by taking a brick-concrete building as research object, fiber grating sensors were used to collect the monitoring data and double logarithmic curve of limit value characteristic and monitoring data were obtained based on the fractal theory. Constant dimension fractal method cannot be used to analyze the data directly. With the method of variable dimension fractal, we accumulate data, and the double logarithmic curve is smooth. Piecewise fractal dimensions are close. The outer interpolation method is used to calculate the fractal dimension of the next point and then back calculate the vertical displacement. The relative errors are calculated by comparing the forecast values and monitoring values, and the maximum relative error is 5.76%. The result shows that the fractal theory is suitable to use in the forecast of the deformation and the accuracy is good.