Video Shot Boundary Detection Using Normalized Periodogram Distance Metric
A. Sasithradevi, S. Mohamed Mansoor Roomi
Shot Boundary, Abrupt Transition, Gradual Transition, Normalized Periodogram
Circuits and Systems,
Vol.7 No.10,
ABSTRACT: Video shot boundary
detection is the primary task for content based video management and retrieval
system. This paper proposes a shot boundary detection strategy by exploiting
the pros of Normalized Periodogram for efficiently representing the content of
the video. A Normalized Periodogram based distance metric to detect the key
frames using shot boundary, namely Distance- Left-Right (DLR), is
addressed, which is computed on a sliding sub-window basis. The DLR sequence is used to detect the
suspected shot boundary frames and a transition type detection procedure is
adapted to these suspected frames for discriminating the abrupt and gradual
transitions. The proposed shot
boundary detection methodology yields Precision—95.02%, Recall—93.15% and F1
score—94.07% for cut, Precision—86.57%, Recall—86.67% and F1 score—86.61% for
gradual, Precision—90.6%, Recall—90.02% and F1 score—90.3% for overall
transitions. Experimental results show that the proposed approach is superior
to the recently available shot boundary detection techniques because of its
robustness and simplicity, and presents an effective distance metric to detect
the shot boundary.