Varietal Characterisation and Taxonomic Evaluation of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Using Macro- and Micromorphological Evidence
Celestine U. Aguoru, Patience Uhia, Joseph O. Olasan
Ipomoea batata, Varieties, Variation, Characters, Phylogeny, Nomenclature
Open Access Library Journal,
Vol.2 No.8,
Taxonomic audit was carried out on three varieties of sweet potato (Ipomoea batata) in north central part of
Nigeria. Ten (10) tubers of the representative samples of
three varieties of sweet potato (Purple, Yellow and White varieties) were
collected from different locations within the north central part of Nigeria and
planted in the research farm of the University of Agriculture, Makurdi,
Nigeria. At full maturity, they were characterized using gross macro- and micromorphological features. Mean values of all quantitative parameters were computed
for each variety. Qualitative and quantitative data generated were analysed by using
SPSS software 20.0 version. Box plots and charts were constructed to reveal
level of variations at a glance. Dendrogram was generated using furthest neighbor method to reveal
the phylogenetic relationships among the varieties. Statistical test of significance
was performed on major variable characters. From the results, the three
varieties varied significantly in their epidermal characters such as stomatal
types, stomatal indices and number of epidermal cells. Stomata types were
tetracytic, anisocytic, and paracytic in all but the Purple variety had an
additional stomatal type (anomocytic). Macroscopically, variation was observed
with respect to some qualitative characters (leaf apices, leaf shape, leaf
margins, leaf bases, leaf colour, stem colour and root colour) and quantitative
characters (leaf sizes, petiole length, stem diameter, root sizes and plant
height) at significant levels (p Ipomoea.
The white type could be seen as a variety of the yellow type based on their
close relationship. The synergistic information obtained from both
morphological and anatomical sources of evidence in this report has yielded a
reliable result that may call for appropriate nomenclatural assignments. Hence,
the authors suggest the following nomenclatures: Ipomea batatas var makurdi (Yellow variety); Ipomoea batatas var lafia (White variety) and Ipomoea aguoru (Purple variety).