GSTP: Geographic Secured Two Phase Routing Using MD5 Algorithm
B. Prathusha Laxmi, A. Chilambuchelvan
GSTP, MD5, MAC, Security, Routing, WMSN
Circuits and Systems,
Vol.7 No.8,
ABSTRACT: Secured Two Phase Geographic Greedy Forwarding (SecuTPGF) is a geographic greedy forwardingprotocol for transmitting multimedia data stream in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks(WMSN) in a secure and reliable manner. Cryptographic and MAC authentication mechanisms are used to implement security for both node and message authentication. In this paper, a modifiedversion of SecuTPGF, the GSTP routing provides security for both node and message authentication by using MD5 algorithm with a reduced computation power. In SecuTPGF, two different algorithms are used for node and message authentication, and GSTP routing uses “MD5Algorithm” for both node and message authentication. Using MD5 algorithm for node and message authentication, the average number of transmission paths increased and average number of hops used for transmission decreased when compared to theSecuTPGF. By conducting security analysis & evaluation experiments, the effectiveness of GSTP routing algorithm is proved.