Secondary Spontaneous Rupture of the Diaphragm in a Child after Blunt Chest Trauma
Seydou Togo, Bourama Kané, Moussa Abdoulaye Ouattara, Issa Boubacar Maiga, Yunping Lu, Donghui Jin, Allaye Ombotimbé, Ibrahim Sangaré, Maiga Abdoul Aziz, Cheik Amed Sekou Touré, Ibrahim Coulibaly, Adama Issa Koné, Sitan Illiassou, Jaques Saye, Cheik Sadibou Traoré, Sékou Koumaré, Moussa Camara, Koita Adama Kononba, Mody Traoré, Zimogo Zié Sanogo, Sadio Yéna, Djibril Sangaré
Pediatric, Thoracic Trauma, Diaphragmatic Rupture, Secondary, Surgery
Open Journal of Respiratory Diseases,
Vol.6 No.2,
ABSTRACT: Traumatic diaphragmatic rupture (TDR) is very rare in the pediatric age group. Because of its rarity
and its coexistence with more injuries, the diagnosis is often delayed. Very little has been written
about this condition in the pediatric age group. TDR, while uncommon, should be considered
in cases of blunt thoracic trauma. All patients should undergo meticulous examination preoperatively.
The clinical presentation and importance of making an accurate diagnosis and surgery is
highlighted. We report a case of secondary spontaneous traumatic left-sided diaphragmatic rupture
in a child that was managed by delayed surgical repair.