User Centered Design for Battlefield Screen
Heesoo Jung, Suhwan Kim, Yongjin James Kwon
User Centered Design, Interface Design, Software Engineering, Battlefield Screen, Operating Display
Journal of Computer and Communications,
Vol.4 No.5,
This thesis paper
is a brief summary of user centered design, (particularly in the situation of under
the battlefield), which incorporates the related information after reviewing
many other papers. A display screen user requires an ability to provide proper
information while considering a variety of information in a short period. While
operating the display screen, the user is heavily pressed for time as the
missions are allocated through many different steps of orders. In addition,
since a failure would cause fatal damage or cause further defeat, this
increases the pressure of time. The right environment for operating a display
screen is most useful when the user is in the most vulnerable time period or
long-term continuous operation of the display screen. In that kind of sterile
environment, the operating display screen is there to help the user’s decisions
for the matter at hand, in this it should follow the user centered design and
improve the user’s handiness and use. Furthermore, the information should be
provided in accordance with the user's informational and perceptional process,
and the capacity of the information process should be improved with the
movement through each process and step. This thesis paper can be used as a
reference material when designing the display screen in order to apply a user’s