Depression in HIV-Infected Compared to Their Seronegative Partners in Serodiscordant Couples in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
Oumar Guira, Hervé Tiéno, Yempabou Sagna, Ismael Diallo, Safyatou Sawadogo, Joseph Y. Drabo
Depression, Serodiscordant Couples, Burkina Faso
Open Journal of Internal Medicine,
Vol.6 No.1,
ABSTRACT: Introduction: Depression is common in HIV/AIDS. We aim to investigate the frequency and the grade of this mental disorder in partners and determine its influence on sexual dysfunctions in serodiscordant couples in Ouagadougou. Patients/Method: This cross-sectional study was monitored from 1 January to 31 June 2010 in the internal medicine department of CHUYO, Ouagadougou. HIV-infected patients and their seronegative partners who gave their consent were included. Depression was diagnosed using the Beck Depression Inventory 13 items (BDI-13). Results: Eighty heterosexual and monogamous serodiscordant couples were studied. 31 (38.7%) HIV-infected and 23 (28.7%) seronegative partners were affected by depression; p = 0.18. The score of depression was 3.5 ± 2.1 in HIV-infected and 3.3 ± 1.6 in seronegative partners; p = 0.85. Depression was diagnosed in both partners in 13 couples (16.2%) and in only one partner in 28 couples (35%). Depression was diagnosed at least for one partner in 40 (51.3%) couples where sexual dysfunctions affected partner (s) and in 1 (50%) couple where no sexual dysfunction was reported. Conclusion: Psychological assessment is needed for a better management of HIV/AIDS in serodiscordant couples.