Numerical Modeling of Explosive Loading on Strong Rock Mass with Discontinuity System in Depth 25 m
Nabi Nakhaei, Mohsen Jami, Homan Najafizade, Farhad Jahani Adimi, Seyed Hossein Mirzeinaly Yazdi, Mohsen Pourkermani, Nazanin Sarhadi
Underground Structure, Plastic Zone, Round Tunnel, UDEC Software, UFC Instruction
Open Journal of Geology,
Vol.6 No.3,
ABSTRACT: Effect of Explosion on
underground structures where drilled on the stony materials can be affected by
explosive strength and rock mass properties of tunnel. In this paper, it has
been studied on effect of explosion of 10 tons TNT on the round tunnel
(diameter: 10 m) in 25 m depth in the mass rocks (RMR > 90) to estimate
stability of tunnel to construct underground structure. Regarding to the
studied stones, geo-mechanical indices of rock mass have been found to use as
strength criteria in UDEC. In the next step, tunnel in real dimensions and
founded indices is modeled with UDEC and analyzed stably. Explosion wave
indices are found by UFC Instruction and other experimental relations to
administer force from explosion wave on the model. Finally, on the base of FISH,
indices of explosion wave are administrated in UDEC and tunnel is analyzed
dynamically. According to modeling in depth of 25 m, amount of displacement of
drilled tunnel in mass rocks (RMR of plastic zone, vertical and
horizontal displacement of rock mass around the tunnel, speed variations and
stress from explosion wave are modeled and recorded as the graphs and figures.