Evaluation of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings and Short-Term Outcome in Brain Metastatic Tumors after CyberKnife Treatment
Jiashou Hu, Hongzi Tian, Na Guo, Di Wang, Jinfeng Sun
Brain Metastases, Radiation Therapy, CyberKnife
International Journal of Medical Physics, Clinical Engineering and Radiation Oncology,
Vol.5 No.1,
ABSTRACT: Objective: To evaluate the treatments’ outcomes in brain metastatic tumors after CyberKnife treatment according to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings and improvement of symptoms. Methods: A retrospective analysis of CyberKnife treatment; 63 cases of patients with brain metastases; the use of CyberKnife treatment; short-term outcome evaluation after treatment and the MRI findings and measured before treatment and underwent diffusion-weighted imaging MRI scan of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values. Results: 3 months after CyberKnife treatment and effectiveness were 82.5% and 96.8% respectively; 6 months and one year survival rates were 82.5% and 55.6% respectively; the median survival time was 16 months. MRI of 52 patients (67 lesions) ADC values after treatment increased to some extent than before treatment. There are 38 lesions volume to shrink or disappear, no enhancement or slight enhancement in the lesion, no edema zone; 27 lesions does not change in volume, no edema (18 lesions significantly weakened the degree of enhancement; 6 lesions showed no obvious change enhancement; 3 lesions showed ring enhancement, internal cystic); 2 lesions volume were larger, heterogeneous enhancement, peripheral edema. Conclusion: CyberKnife is an effective method for treating brain metastatic tumor. MRI can accurately evaluate tumor lesions after treatment.