Evidence for the Inter/Intra-Relationship between the Sense of Fairness at Workplace, Distress, and Health Outcome: A Systematic Review
Michael Galanakis, Ioanna Bithava, Chrysoula Emmanouil, Paraskevi Lali, Artemis-Helen Symeonidi, Christina Darviri
(Un)fairness, (In)justice, Occupational Stress, Health, Systematic Review
Vol.6 No.16,
ABSTRACT: The concepts of “Unfairness” and “Health” are strongly inter/intra-related and based on a symbolic (dynamic) interaction concerning the Person per se and its environmental contexts. Especially, in the workplace, this relationship tends to be moderated by the presence of a variety of stressors associated with the occupational field and the type of unfairness. Under this light, it seems that effects of unfairness are inclined to affect the physiology of the body and the psychological health of the individual. In other words, the sense of injustice in workplace or elsewhere seems to be part of the physiology of the organism, mainly through its results into situational contexts full of stress and strain, as some of the reviewing studies have mentioned. The purpose of this study was to examine all recent research regarding the relationship between perceived unfairness and psychological health. The analysis showed that perceived unfairness influences the relationship between organizational stressors and strain. The findings suggest that improving fairness at work does matter for disease prevention and mental health promotion policy.