Paired, Total, and Connected Domination on the Queen’s Graph Revisited
Paul A. Burchett
Chess, Total Dominating Set, Paired Dominating Set, Connected Dominating Set
Open Journal of Discrete Mathematics,
Vol.6 No.1,
ABSTRACT: The question associated with total domination on the queen’s graph has a long and rich history, first having been posed by Ahrens in 1910 [1]. The question is this: What is the minimum number of queens needed so that every square of an n × n board is attacked? Beginning in 2005 with Amirabadi, Burchett, and Hedetniemi [2] [3], work on this problem, and two other related problems, has seen progress. Bounds have been given for the values of all three domination parameters on the queen’s graph. In this paper, formations of queens are given that provide new bounds for the values of total, paired, and connected domination on the queen’s graph, denoted , , and respectively. For any n × n board size, the new bound of is arrived at, along with the separate bounds of , for with , and , for with .