An Integration of UML Sequence Diagram with Formal Specification Methods—A Formal Solution Based on Z
Nasir Mehmood Minhas, Asad Masood Qazi, Sidra Shahzadi, Shumaila Ghafoor
Formal Specifications, Software Requirement Specifications, Formal Notations
Journal of Software Engineering and Applications,
Vol.8 No.8,
ABSTRACT: UML Diagrams are considered as a main
component in requirement engineering process and these become an industry
standard in many organizations. UML diagrams are useful to show an
interaction, behavior and structure of the system. Similarly, in requirement
engineering, formal specification methods are also being used in crucial
systems where precise information is required. It is necessary to integrate
System Models with such formal methods to overcome the requirements errors i.e.
contradiction, ambiguities, vagueness, incompleteness and mixed values of
abstraction. Our objective is to integrate the Formal Specification Language
(Z) with UML Sequence diagram, as sequence diagram is an interaction diagram
which shows the interaction and proper sequence of components (Methods,
procedures etc.) of the system. In this paper, we focus on components of UML
Sequence diagram and then implement these components in formal specification
language Z. And the results of this research papers are complete integrated
components of Sequence diagram with Z schemas, which are verified by using
tools and model based testing technique of Formal Specifications. Results can
be more improved by integrating remaining components of Sequence and other UML
diagrams into Formal Specification Language.