Test Suite Design Methodology Using Combinatorial Approach for Internet of Things Operating Systems
Abhinandan H. Patil, Neena Goveas, Krishnan Rangarajan
CT, ACTS, CCM, Code Cover, Contiki, Cooja
Journal of Software Engineering and Applications,
Vol.8 No.7,
ABSTRACT: In this paper we describe how the test
design can be done by using the Combinatorial Testing approach for internet of
things operating systems. Contiki operating system is taken as a case study but
we discuss what can be the approach for RIOT and Tiny OS operating systems. We
discuss how the combinatorial coverage measurement can be gathered in addition
to the traditional metrics code coverage. The test design generated by using
Advanced Combinatorial Testing for Software is analyzed for Contiki operating system.
We elaborate the code coverage gathering technique for Contiki simulator which
happens to be in Java. We explain the usage of Combinatorial Coverage
Measurement tool. Although we have explained the test design methodology for
internet of things operating systems, the approach explained can be followed
for other open source software.