Analyses Using SSR and DArT Molecular Markers Reveal that Ethiopian Accessions of White Lupin (Lupinus albus L.) Represent a Unique Genepool
Rosy Raman, Raymond B. Cowley, Harsh Raman, David J. Luckett
Broad-Leaf Lupin, Molecular Diversity, Germplasm Accessions, Molecular Markers
Open Journal of Genetics,
Vol.4 No.2,
PCR-based genic and microarray-based Diversity Arrays Technology
(DArTTM) markers were used to determine genetic diversity in 94 accessions of
white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) comprising Australian and foreign cultivars,
landraces, and advanced breeding lines from Australian breeding programs. A
total of 345 (50 PCR-based and 295 DArT-based) polymorphic fragments were
identified, which were used to determine the genetic diversity among
accessions. Both cluster analysis of bivariate marker data using UPGMA, and
principal coordinate analysis, indicated a high level of genetic diversity in
the germplasm. Our results showed that both types of markers used in this study
are suitable for estimation of genetic diversity. Landrace accessions from
Ethiopia formed a very distinct and separate grouping with both marker systems.
Australian cultivars and breeding lines were clustered together and tended to
be distinct from European landraces. These findings will allow breeders to
select appropriate, diverse parents to broaden the genetic base of white lupin
breeding populations.