The accuracy of brackets placement in direct bonding technique: a comparison between the pole-like bracket positioning gauge and the star-like bracket positioning gauge
Lahcen Ousehal, Laila Lazrak
DOI: 10.4236/ojst.2011.14019   PDF    HTML     7,271 Downloads   12,253 Views   Citations


The accuracy of brackets placement is a key factor in successful orthodontic therapy. An in vitro study was conducted in ten models from a natural maxillary teeth model in order to compare the accuracy of brac- kets placement between two direct bonding instru- ments: the Pole-like Bracket Positioning Gauge and the Star-like Bracket Positioning Gauge. Our results have shown that: The Star-like Bracket Positioning Gauge is more precise in placing brackets vertically, whereas the Pole-like Bracket Positioning Gauge al-lows a better angulation of the bracket. Considering each tooth separately, there is no statistically signifi-cant difference between the two positioning gauges, except that the Star-like gauge gives better results in bracket’s height for the second premolar and the ca-nine, whereas the Pole-like gauge allows for a better positioning and a better vertical angulation of the brackets for the lateral incisor. No statistically signi- ficant difference was found between the two gauges on the mesiodistal position. Overall, the Star-like gau- ge showed a better accuracy in positioning brackets.

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Ousehal, L. and Lazrak, L. (2011) The accuracy of brackets placement in direct bonding technique: a comparison between the pole-like bracket positioning gauge and the star-like bracket positioning gauge. Open Journal of Stomatology, 1, 121-125. doi: 10.4236/ojst.2011.14019.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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