Characteristics of HIV Infected Patients with Biopsy Diagnosed Spongiotic Dermatitis
Gus W. Krucke, Benjamin L. Cooper, Deanna E. Grimes, Richard M. Grimes
DOI: 10.4236/wja.2011.14021   PDF    HTML     4,457 Downloads   7,499 Views   Citations


Purpose. Twenty-six HIV patients with biopsy diagnosed spongiotic dermatitis (SD) were studied to determine their demographic and clinical characteristics. The condition was also investigated to determine if it was linked to the immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS). Methods. All patients whose skin biopsies were diagnosed by a pathologist as SD were identified. Medical records were reviewed to extract demographic descriptors, viral loads and CD4+ counts at the time that SD occurred. In an attempt to determine if the condition could be linked to Immune Reconstitution Syndrome (IRIS), the time from nadir CD4+ count to the occurrence of SD was determined. Results. SD patients were found to be older than expected but were similar to other clinic patients with regard to race/ethnicity and gender. CD4+ counts, viral loads were not related to SD. SD did not seem to be related to IRIS because few cases occurred within the time frame associated with IRIS. SD frequently appeared on the limbs although the literature suggests a more frequent appearance on the trunk and buttocks. Discussion. HIV clinicians may expect to see SD on occasion and it may appear in unusual body sites and at any time during the course of the infection.

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Krucke, G. , Cooper, B. , Grimes, D. and Grimes, R. (2011) Characteristics of HIV Infected Patients with Biopsy Diagnosed Spongiotic Dermatitis. World Journal of AIDS, 1, 146-148. doi: 10.4236/wja.2011.14021.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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