Extending Extreme Programming User Stories to Meet ISO 9001 Formality Requirements
Malik Qasaimeh, Alain Abran
DOI: 10.4236/jsea.2011.411074   PDF    HTML     7,075 Downloads   11,357 Views   Citations


For software organizations needing ISO 9001 certification, including those that have adopted agile methodologies, it is important that their software life cycle processes be able to manage the requirements imposed by this certification standard. However, the user stories in the XP agile methodology do not provide auditors with enough evidence that certain steps and activities have been performed in compliance with ISO 9001. This paper proposes an extension to the user story, based on four sub processes related to the CMMI-DEV model: 1) identification of the source of the user story; 2) categorization of the non functional requirements; 3) identification of the user story relationships; and 4) prioritization of the user stories. These sub processes are aligned with the XP release planning phase, and enhance the ability of user stories to accumulate the information that is mandatory for achieving ISO 9001 certification.

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Qasaimeh, M. and Abran, A. (2011) Extending Extreme Programming User Stories to Meet ISO 9001 Formality Requirements. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 4, 626-638. doi: 10.4236/jsea.2011.411074.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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