Ordinal Semi On-Line Scheduling for Jobs with Arbitrary Release Times on Identical Parallel Machines ()
1. Introduction
The problem of minimizing the maximum completion time for scheduling n jobs on m identical parallel machines (which is denoted by
) have attracted the interests of many researchers since it was proposed by Graham in 1969 [1] . The problem is defined as follows: Given a job set
of n jobs and an identical parallel machine set
, where job
has non-negative processing time
, assign the jobs onto the machines so as to minimize the maximum completion of the m machines.
A scheduling problem is called off-line if we have complete information about the job data before constructing a schedule. In contrast, the scheduling problem is called online if the jobs appear one by one and it requires scheduling the arriving job irrevocably on a machine without knowledge of the future jobs. The processing time of next job becomes available only after the current job is scheduled. Graham [1] proposed the List Scheduling (LS) algorithm to minimize the maximum completion time for online scheduling n jobs on m identical parallel machines.
Li and Huang [2] generalized Graham’s classical on-line scheduling problem to m identical machines. They describe the requests of all jobs in terms of order. For an order of the job
, the scheduler is informed of a 2-tuple
, where
represent the release time and the processing time of the job
, respectively. The orders of request have no release time but appear online one by one at the very beginning time of the system. In this online situation, the jobs’ release times are assumed to be arbitrary. If all jobs’ release times are zero, then the problem in Li and Huang [2] becomes the same as the Graham’s classical on-line scheduling problem.
For the classical online problem on the identical parallel machine system, we know that no algorithm can be better than algorithm LS when the number of machines is less than 4. In many applications, partial information about jobs can be made available in advance. This motivates us to study semi-online scheduling problems when different types of partial information become available [3] . He and Zhang [4] , and He and Dosa [5] consider the system when the lengths of all jobs are known in
. See Cheng et al. [6] ; Li and Huang [7] ; Seiden et al. [8] ; Li et al. [9] for more recent results on semi-online scheduling.
Liu et al. [10] firstly considered ordinal semi-online problem in which it is assumed that the values of the processing times
are unknown, but that the order of the jobs by non-increasing processing time is known, i.e.,
. The problem can be denoted as
. They proposed an algorithm with worst case performance ratio not greater than
. Later
is considered by Tan and He [11] and
is considered by He and Tan [12] .
In this paper, we assume that we are given m identical parallel machines
and an ordinal job list
with arbitrary release times, i.e., each
has a release time
and a processing size of
. Our aim is to minimize the maximum completion time. We denote this problem as
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, some definitions and the algorithm P are given. In Section 3, we analyze the algorithm P and show its the upper bound of the worst case ratio. In Section 4, we give some concluding remarks.
2. Some Definitions and the Algorithm P
In this section we will give some definitions and an algorithm P.
Definition 1. Let algorithm
be a heuristic algorithm of scheduling job list
denote the makespan of algorithm
and an optimal off-line algorithm, respectively. We define
as the worst case performance ratio of algorithm
Definition 2. Suppose that
is the current job with information
, i.e., release time
and size of
, to be scheduled on machine
. We say that machine
has an idle time interval for job
, if there exists a time interval
satisfying the following two conditions:
1) Machine
is idle in interval
and a job with release time
has been assigned to machine
to start at time
It is obvious that if machine
has an idle time interval for job
then we can assign
to machine
in the idle interval.
The algorithm P:
be a job list of problem
. We assign jobs of
one by one on machine
according to the following rules:
holds, we assign the following jobs on machine
holds, we assign the following jobs on machine
Assignment example for
Note: The above assignment just means the order of the job’s assigning, not mean the order of job’s processing because of the release times of the jobs. For example on machine
, if
, then
begin to be processed at time zero and
begin to be processed at 6 even though
is assigned before
appears before
The following symbols will be used in the analysis of this paper later on:
: the total sum of the idle time on machine
in the schedule P.
: The completion time of machine
in the schedule P. It is equal to the total sum of the processing time of the jobs assigned on machine
and the idle time of machine
in the schedule P. It is easy to see that
: the index of the h-th job assigned on machine
in the schedule P.
: It represents the smallest integer not less than x.
: It represents the largest integer not bigger than x.
3. Main Results
The following simple inequality will be referred to later on:
Furthermore it is easy to get
Lemma 1: For any job list
from problem
, suppose that
jobs are assigned on machine
algorithm P. If
hold, then we have
Proof: It is easy to see that
holds. Firstly we prove the
following statement by induction for
we have
That means the statement is true for h = 2. Now suppose (1) holds for h = k, i.e.,
Then for
we have
By (1) we have
where the last equality results from
by the rules of algorithm P. The claim is proved.
Lemma 2: For any job list
from problem
, we have
Proof: Case 1:
is even and
Case 1.1:
By the rules of P we have
Case 1.2:
Case 1.3:
, by Lemma 1 when
is even and
we have
Case 2:
is odd.
, by Lemma 1, when m is odd and
we have
Case 3:
is odd and
Case 3.1:
Case 3.2:
, when
is odd and
we have
Hence the Lemma is proved.
Theorem 3 For any job list
from problem
we have:
Proof: Case 1: If
is even and
holds, by Lemma 2 we have
where the last inequality results from the fact that
is a decreasing
function of
in interval
Case 2:
is odd and
By Lemma 2 we have
where the last inequality results from the fact that
is a decreasing function of
in interval
Case 3:
is odd and
By Lemma 2 we have
By the above conclusions, when
is even we have
hold for
. Hence we get
is odd then
hold for
. Hence we get
Thus we get
Hence the theorem is proved.
4. Concluding Remarks
In this paper, we consider the semi-online scheduling problem
in which the job list has non-increasing processing times and arbitrary release times. An algorithm is investigated and it is shown that its
worse case performance ratio is bounded by
for all
values of m. For this problem, to investigate better algorithms or give lower bound and upper bound would be worth doing. There are many other scheduling problems where ordinal algorithms could be developed. The investigations to find good algorithms for these problems would be also of interest to the scheduling community.
This work was partly supported by the Chinese National Natural Science Foundation Grant (No.11471110) and the Foundation Grant of Education Department of Hunan (No. 16A126).