Comparative Analysis of Instructional Language Issues in Ethiopia and the United States
Daniel S. Alemu, Abebayehu A. Tekleselassie
DOI: 10.4236/ce.2011.24058   PDF    HTML     6,521 Downloads   11,889 Views   Citations


Crafting and implementing language policies that address the needs of language minority students have always been challenging. The major challenges include addressing such concerns as: How do we address the language needs of minority students, while keeping the academic standards high? Should the role of minority langue be cultural maintenance or the facilitation of instruction through the mother tongue? To what extent does the use of minority language prepare the child for the global world? Through comparative analysis of practices in the United States and Ethiopia, this paper explores the background, approaches, and challenges/controversies in implementing polices that cater for language minority children in the two countries.

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Alemu, D. and Tekleselassie, A. (2011) Comparative Analysis of Instructional Language Issues in Ethiopia and the United States. Creative Education, 2, 402-407. doi: 10.4236/ce.2011.24058.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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