Low Noise Phase CMOS Quadrature VCO with Superharmonic Coupling Using Cross-Couple Pair


This paper aims to introduce a quadrature VCO (voltage control oscillator) which applies superharmonic coupling. The presented quadrature VCO is suitable to be used, both with 2 × subharmonic mixers, as well as 4×subharmonic mixers. It would be impossible to avoid the presence of harmonics in CMOS VCO circuits. These harmonics are in general, undesirable signals which tend to accompany the desired fundamental signal. There are common-mode nodes (similar to those in the two source nodes in a cross-coupled VCO) in deferential VCO at which higher-order harmonics are present while the fundamental is absent in essence. We can make use of these second-order harmonics which are present at the common-mode nodes of two VCO in order to implement a quadrature connection between the fundamental outputs. The technique through which this is done is called superharmonic coupling. This CMOS quadrature VCO which applies active superharmonic coupling puts an excellent performance in show, with an output power –0.942 dBm for fundamental and –9.751 dBm for subharmonic, phase noise –107.2 dBc/Hz for fundamental and –114.8 dBc/Hz at a 1MHz offset. All of circuit applied are designed and simulated by ADS, 2008.

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S. Hadianamrei, M. Sabaghi, M. Lahiji and M. Rahnama, "Low Noise Phase CMOS Quadrature VCO with Superharmonic Coupling Using Cross-Couple Pair," Circuits and Systems, Vol. 2 No. 4, 2011, pp. 281-285. doi: 10.4236/cs.2011.24039.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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