Einstein-Kaluza Combined Spacetime as the Optimal and Simplest Framework to Compute and Understand Dark Matter, Pure Dark Energy and Measurable Ordinary Energy


In this rather short communication we hope to draw attention to a new and rather exciting finding which we think represents an important and non-trivial insight into the current dark energy and dark matter cutting edge research [1-11]. In short we found that a combination of the basic invariant of Einstein D = 4 and Kaluza D = 5 spacetime manifold is the simplest and optimal setting to perform computation [7, 8] and gain insight into the major cosmological problem of dark matter, accelerated cosmic expansion, missing dark energy of the universe [1] as well as the corresponding measurable ordinary energy density which was found, to the surprise of the entire scientific community, to be a mere 4.5% of what was expected [1, 2] based on some of our otherwise most cherished and trusted theories [1-4]. In particular we must stress the importance of the physical insight gained about the source of the difference between the three distinct categories of energy as afforded by the new spacetime picture [7, 8]. Roughly speaking our new conception of spacetime considers a 5 dimensional Kaluza spacetime manifold effectively encasing the 4 dimensional Einstein spacetime [7-9].


Particle Physics

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El Naschie, M. (2017) Einstein-Kaluza Combined Spacetime as the Optimal and Simplest Framework to Compute and Understand Dark Matter, Pure Dark Energy and Measurable Ordinary Energy. Natural Science, 9, 241-244. doi: 10.4236/ns.2017.98024.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


[1] Copeland, E.J., Sami, M. and Tsujikawa, S. (2006) Dynamics of Dark Energy. International Journal of Modern Physics. D, 15, 1753-1935.
[2] El Naschie, M.S. (2013) A Resolution of Cosmic Dark Energy via a Quantum Entanglement Relativity Theory. Journal of Quantum Information Sciences, 3, 23-26.
[3] El Naschie, M.S. (2014) On a New Elementary Particle from the Disintegration of the Simplectic ‘tHooft-Veltman-Wilson Fractal Spacetime. World Journal of Nuclear Sciences and Technologies, 4, 216-221.
[4] El Naschie, M.S. (2015) Dark Energy and Its Cosmic Density from Einstein’s Relativity and Gauge Fields Renormalization Leading to the Possibility of a New ‘tHooft Quasi Particle. The Open Astronomy Journal, 8, 1-17.
[5] ‘tHooft. G. (1976) Computation of the Quantum Effects Due to a Four-Dimensional Pseudo Particle. Physics Review D, 14, 3432-3450.
[6] El Naschie, M.S. (2016) On a Fractal Version of Witten’s M Theory. International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 6, 135-144.
[7] El Naschie, M.S. (2016) Einstein’s Dark Energy via Similarity Equivalence, ‘tHooft Dimensional Regularization and Lie Symmetry Groups. International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 6, 56-81.
[8] El Naschie, M.S. (2017) A Combined Heterotic String and Kahler Manifold Elucidation of Ordinary Energy, Dark Matter, Obber’s Paradox and Pure Dark Energy Density of the Cosmos. Journal of Modern Physics, 8, 1101-1118.
[9] El Naschie, M.S. (2017) The Looped Light of the Triple-Slit Experiment as a Confirmation for the Extra Dimension of Quantum Spacetime and the Reality of Dark Energy. Optics and Photonics Journal, 7, 19-26.
[10] El Naschie, M.S. (2017) Spacetime from Zitterbeweguy. Open Journal of Modeling & Simulation, 5, 169-173.
[11] Mestel, B.D., Obaldestin, A.H. and Winn, B. (2000) Golden Mean Renormalization for the Harper Equation: The Strong Coupling Fixed Point. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 41, 8304-8330.

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