Surgical Resident Attrition and the Menninger Morale Curve
Jack Contessa, Tassos Kyriakides
DOI: 10.4236/ss.2011.27087   PDF    HTML     5,119 Downloads   8,066 Views   Citations


BACKGROUND: Attrition in surgical residency programs continues to be a significant challenge. Ap-proximately 20% of residents who begin a categorical surgery residency fail to complete it. A number of studies speculated reasons for this including work hours, life style, family pressures, and resident feelings of inadequacy including fear of termination. To date no research has been conducted investigating the relation-ship between resident morale and attrition. This study sought to determine if this linkage exists in surgery residents. METHODS: The Morale Assessment in General Practice Index (MAGPI) was administered to 21 PGY 1, 2, 3, and 5 surgical residents to assess level of morale. Non-parametric methods were carried out to assess if there were differences in morale among the four PGY groups. Additionally, analyses of the four factors comprising the MAGPI were also conducted. RESULTS: Although differences did not reach statis-tical significance, analysis of the data reveals that residents demonstrate different trends in their levels of morale based on the amount of time they spend in a residency and in a way that approximates the morale curve described by W. Walter Menninger, M.D. Additionally, two of the four factors comprising the MAGPI also indicate trends similar to that described by the Menninger morale curve. CONCLUSIONS: Although no statistically significant results were achieved, the data reveal trends that approximate shifts in morale similar to those described by the Menninger morale curve, with residents at the PGY 2 and 3 levels present-ing lower morale levels than at the PGY 1 and 5 levels. This may be due in part to the size of the population studied. Future research should be continued in this area with a larger sample size.

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J. Contessa and T. Kyriakides, "Surgical Resident Attrition and the Menninger Morale Curve," Surgical Science, Vol. 2 No. 7, 2011, pp. 397-401. doi: 10.4236/ss.2011.27087.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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