An Adaptive Data Aggregation Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Network with Bursty Source
DOI: 10.4236/wsn.2009.13029   PDF    HTML     8,373 Downloads   14,715 Views   Citations


The Wireless Sensor network is distributed event based systems that differ from conventional communica-tion network. Sensor network has severe energy constraints, redundant low data rate, and many-to-one flows. Aggregation is a technique to avoid redundant information to save energy and other resources. There are two types of aggregations. In one of the aggregation many sensor data are embedded into single packet, thus avoiding the unnecessary packet headers, this is called lossless aggregation. In the second case the sensor data goes under statistical process (average, maximum, minimum) and results are communicated to the base station, this is called lossy aggregation, because we cannot recover the original sensor data from the received aggregated packet. The number of sensor data to be aggregated in a single packet is known as degree of ag-gregation. The main contribution of this paper is to propose an algorithm which is adaptive to choose one of the aggregations based on scenarios and degree of aggregation based on traffic. We are also suggesting a suitable buffer management to offer best Quality of Service. Our initial experiment with NS-2 implementa-tion shows significant energy savings by reducing the number of packets optimally at any given moment of time.

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PADMANABH, K. and VUPPALA, S. (2009) An Adaptive Data Aggregation Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Network with Bursty Source. Wireless Sensor Network, 1, 222-232. doi: 10.4236/wsn.2009.13029.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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