Aluminum Contents in Dry Leaves and Infusions of Commercial Black and Green Tea Leaves: Effects of Sucrose and Ascorbic Acid Added to Infusions


Tea consumption has increased due to its beneficial effects. Results from a lab study on the effect of sucrose (5 g per cup, 150 mL) and/or ascorbic acid (2 mL per cup, 150 mL) on dissolved aluminum compounds during the infusion of two commercial types of dry tea leaves (black, green) with boiling water (5, 15 min infusion time) are presented. Factors influencing the presence of dissolved aluminum in the infusions of both tea leaves were infusion time and sugar contents, as well as the interaction between ascorbic acid and sucrose (p < 0.05). Aluminum contents found after 15 min of infusion were 0.7 mg L–1 for black tea infusions added with sugar, and 0.69 mg L–1 for green tea added with both sugar and ascorbic acid. Both concentrations are higher than the level accepted in Mexico for drinking water (there is no act concerning tea infusions), that is 0.2 mg L–1.

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D. Bárcena-Padilla, M. Bernal-González, A. Panizza-de-León, R. García-Gómez and C. Durán-Domínguez-de-Bazúa, "Aluminum Contents in Dry Leaves and Infusions of Commercial Black and Green Tea Leaves: Effects of Sucrose and Ascorbic Acid Added to Infusions," Natural Resources, Vol. 2 No. 3, 2011, pp. 141-145. doi: 10.4236/nr.2011.23019.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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