Analysis of Chaotic Ferroresonance Phenomena in Unloaded Transformers Including MOV
Ataollah Abbasi, Mehrdad Rostami, Ahmad Gholami, Hamid R. Abbasi
DOI: 10.4236/epe.2011.34057   PDF    HTML     6,285 Downloads   10,121 Views   Citations


We study the effect of a parallel metal oxide surge arrester on the ferroresonance oscillations of transformers. It is expected that the arresters generally cause ferroresonance drop out. Simulation has been done on a three phase power transformer with one open phase. Effect of varying input voltage is studied. The simulation results reveal that connecting the arrester to transformers poles, exhibits a great mitigating effect on ferroresonant over voltages. Phase plane along with bifurcation diagrams are also presented. Significant effect on the onset of chaos, the range of parameter values that may lead to chaos and magnitude of ferroresonant voltages is obtained, shown and tabulated.

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Abbasi, A. , Rostami, M. , Gholami, A. and Abbasi, H. (2011) Analysis of Chaotic Ferroresonance Phenomena in Unloaded Transformers Including MOV. Energy and Power Engineering, 3, 478-482. doi: 10.4236/epe.2011.34057.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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