Hand Gesture Recognition Using Appearance Features Based on 3D Point Cloud ()
Received 6 March 2016; accepted 15 April 2016; published 18 April 2016
1. Introduction
There has been a great emphasis lately on Human-Computer-Interaction (HCI) research to create easy-to-use interfaces by directly employing natural communication and manipulation skills of humans [1] . As an important part of body, naturally, the hand is given more and more attention. Gesture recognition is a key aspect of Human-Computer-Interaction. There are countless researches focus on this advanced topic to create natural user interface and to improve user experiences by using simple and intuitive hand gestures for free-hand controller [2] . How to detect the hands, segment them from the background and recognize the gestures become great challenges. And various methods are proposed to solve those issues.
A hierarchical method of static hand gesture recognition that combines finger detection and histogram of oriented gradient (HOG) features is proposed in [3] . An algorithm based on the spatial pyramid bag of features is proposed to describe the hand image in [4] . But both of them are based on RGB image, which means it’s difficult to distinguish the hand from complex background. What’s more, the intensity of light seriously affects the recognition results. In order to avoid these drawbacks, many scholars select depth image in the research of gesture recognition. Depth information has long been regarded as an essential part of successful gesture recognition [5] . Many researches [6] - [8] extract different features from the depth data, then various classifiers are employed for gesture recognition. These methods all get good effect, but they have to collect a large number of training samples. Based on 3D point cloud data, this paper uses geometric method for extracting the appearance features of gestures and classifying the given gestures. This method can obtain high gesture recognition accuracy without training sample. Compared with the previous methods, it’s more succinct and efficient.
2. Proposed Gesture Recognition System
The proposed gesture recognition system (shown in Figure 1) composed of three parts. In the first part, the 3D point cloud data of the hand region is gotten from depth camera (SwissRanger 4000 depth camera), then after threshold segmentation and gray transformation the 3D point cloud becomes a binary image. Meanwhile, some preprocessing on the grayscale image is necessary. In the second part, some apparent features are extracted. Finally, on the basis of the features extracted in last step the gesture can be recognized.
Figure 1. Architecture of the proposed gesture recognition system.
3. Hand Segmentation
3.1. Image Collection
In this paper, the 3D point cloud data of gesture are collected from the SwissRanger 4000 (SR4000) depth camera. The SR4000 cameras are optical imaging systems which provide real time distance data at video frame rates. Based on the Time-of-Flight (ToF) principle, the cameras employ an integrated light source. The emitted light is reflected by objects in the scene and travels back to the camera, where the precise time of arrival is measured independently by each pixel of the image sensor, producing a per-pixel distance measurement. Finally, we can get the three-dimensional coordinates of each point from the camera. A typical 3D point cloud of gesture scene just like shown in Figure 2. In this image, the origin of the coordinate system (0, 0, 0) is at the intersection of the optical axis with the front face of the camera, and Figure 3 shows the camera’s output coordinate system.
From Figure 2 we can notice that the 3D point cloud contains not only hand region but also other region. Obviously, we need to extract the hand region G. G is given by (1):
In (1), Minx, Maxx, Minv, Maxv, Minz and Maxz are the thresholds of three coordinate directions. We set Minx = −150 mm, Maxx = 150 mm, Minv = −150 mm, Maxv = 150 mm, Minz = 200 mm, Maxz = 500 mm to ensure that the whole hand region is extracted. Next, G is transformed into a binary image.
3.2. Image Preprocessing
Due to the nature of the depth sensor, the hand region on the depth map may be have holes and cracks [9] , which will seriously affect the accuracy of hand gesture. Usually the binary image always has some noisy. So image preprocessing is necessary, which contains filling the holes and image denoising. In other papers [10] - [12] , some inpainting and filtering methods reach a good result. However, the methods are always so complex. We just employ some simple morphological operations (erosion and dilation) in our preprocessing.
Figure 2. 3D point cloud of gesture scene.
Figure 3. (x, y, z) as delivered by the camera is given in this coordinate system
4. Extraction of Features
Appearance features are important in gesture recognition. Compared to other methods of feature extraction, appearance features are more intuitional and efficient. As appearance features, the number of stretched fingers and the angles between fingers are used for gesture recognition in [13] . In this paper, we also choose the number of stretched fingers and the angles between fingers as features. Besides, the gesture region’s area distribution feature is chosen as an appearance feature, too.
4.1. Extraction of the Central Point
Through the erosion operations of mathematical morphology we can locate the central point C. As we all know, the palm is the primary part of gesture. Through continuous erosion operations, the boundary of gesture region is removed over and over again. And the gesture region get smaller and smaller. Eventually, only a point is left, which is just the central point C of the gesture region.
4.2. Extraction of Appearance Features
The appearance features used in this paper contain the number of stretched fingers, the angles between fingers and the gesture region’s area distribution feature. The following is the main steps of extraction of appearance features.
1) Firstly, the maximum distance value D between the central point and the edge of the gesture region is cal-
culated. Then we which represent ten different lengths of radius. Next, choosing
C as the centers of rhombuses and rn as the radiuses, we can draw 10 rhombuses (the innermost one is recorded as the first rhombus and the outermost one is recorded as the tenth rhombus), as shown in Figure 4 (In order to highlight the effect, the color has been transformed).
2) From Figure 4 we can notice that every rhombus has a different number of intersections with gesture region. In order to get the number of the stretched fingers N, as a rule thumb, we choose the sixth rhombus to calculate. First of all, in a clockwise direction, we record the points on the sixth rhombus whose color from blue change into red or from red change into blue. We define Ki as the i-th (i = 1, 2, 3・・・) point whose color from blue change into red, and Ti as the i-th point whose color from red change into blue. Obviously, the number of K or T is just the number of the stretched fingers N.
3) We define Mi as the midpoint of Ki and Ti (i = 1, 2, 3・・・), then each midpoint Mi and the central point C can be connected into a line. And we can calculate each angle between adjacent lines. We use Aj (j = 1, 2, 3・・・i-1) to represent these angles.
4) As a rule thumb, the fifth rhombus is chosen as boundary line, so the gesture region is divided into two parts. We define P1 to denote the first part which is inside of the fifth rhombus and define P2 to denote another part which is outside of the fifth rhombus. Then we calculate the ratio of P1 to P2, and we use R to represent this ratio. Naturally, R can be used to describe the gesture region’s area distribution feature.
Figure 4. Extraction of appearance features.
5. Gesture Recognition
Basing on the above appearance features, we construct the decision tree for gesture recognition. In this paper, 9 common gestures (shown in Figure 5) are employed for recognition and classification.
Decision tree is a kind of mathematical method to classify the new data by using the decision rules, and the decision rules are get from training samples. The key to construct a good decision tree is to choose the proper logical judgment and attributes.
In this paper, the number of stretched fingers N, the angles between fingers Aj and the ratio of different gesture regions’ area R are chosen as branch node of decision tree. First of all, notice that Gesture-9 is the most special gesture, because it doesn’t have a stretched finger. So we can choose R as root note of the decision tree to distinguish Gesture-9 and other gestures in the first step. Through some training of samples, we can easily find that Gesture-9’s R is always greater than 0.8, and other gestures’ R always less than 0.8. So 0.8 is set as a threshold of R. Then, in the rest kinds of gestures, the number of stretched fingers N is an important feature. According to the value of N, Gesture-1, Gesture-4 and Gesture-5 can be uniquely identified. However, if N = 2, the gesture may be Gesture-2 or Gesture-6, if N = 3, the gesture may be Gesture-3 or Gesture-7 or Gesture-8, which is why we need to choose Aj as another appearance feature to distinguish them. Finally, the decision tree we construct is shown as Figure 6.
6. Experimental Results
In order to validate the method proposed in this paper, we connected the SR4000 depth camera with computer to do a lot of experiments. The experiments were conducted to identify the 9 common gestures. A total of 2700 test samples from 5 people were tested under three different conditions, including under the sunlight (strong light), indoors with the light off (weak light) and indoors with the light on (ordinary light). Each gesture have 300 test samples including different light conditions. The recognition results are shown in Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3. In the following tables, the recognition accuracy of each gesture refer to the ratio of the number of correct recognition to the total number of recognition. And the mean accuracy refer to the mean of the recognition accuracy of every gesture.
Table 1. The recognition result (strong light).
Table 2. The recognition result (weak light).
Table 3. The recognition result (ordinary light).
Table 4. The running time of gesture recognition.
Table 5. Comparative results of the methods in [9] , [14] and the proposed method.
From Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3 we can notice that the method proposed in this paper has a high recognition accuracy, especially in Gesture-2, Gesture-6 and Gesture-9. The recognition accuracy of Gesture-3, Gesture-7 and Gesture-8 is slightly lower than other gestures, which result from the great difference of the expression of gestures. As a whole, the mean recognition accuracy reach 94.7%, which prove the effectiveness of this method. Meanwhile, another advantage of this method is that the recognition accuracy isn’t impacted by light intensity. It can work well in strong light or weak light environment, even in the darkness. In addition, from Table 4 we can find that the proposed method has extremely short running time. Almost every recognition can be completed within 16ms, in other word, the gesture recognition speed can reach about 60 frames per second, which can completely meet the needs of real-time application. The efficient recognition process ensures that it can be used in real-time situation.
We also compare the proposed system with the previous work. The recognition methods proposed in [14] are geometry-based. Two methods in that paper can’t balance accuracy and running time well. And the convex shape decomposition method is employ in [9] . Although the running time get great improvement, the accuracy isn’t so satisfying. However, compared with these methods, both the mean accuracy and the running time in our method can reach a pretty good effect. Experiments demonstrate our method is much more efficient for real-time applications, which is shown in Table 5.
7. Conclusion
Gesture recognition has a wide range of applications in Human-Computer-Interaction. This paper proposes an efficient and succinct method for gesture recognition, which takes advantages of 3D point cloud data. The 3D point cloud data is collected from depth camera, then it is transformed into binary image. Basing on binary image, three different appearance features are extracted, including the number of stretched fingers, the angles between fingers as features and the gesture region’s area distribution feature. Finally, the decision tree is constructed for gesture recognition. Extensive experimental results demonstrate accuracy and robustness of the method proposed in this paper. As a result, this method can play a role in the application of real-time gesture recognition.
This paper is funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61572372, 41271398), the Foundation Research Funds for the Central Universities (204201kf0242, 204201kf0263), Shanghai Aerospace Science and Technology Innovation Fund Projects (SAST201425).