A New Model for AS-AD Analysis Based on Input-Output Frame
Xinjian Liu
DOI: 10.4236/me.2011.23026   PDF    HTML     7,517 Downloads   11,466 Views   Citations


This paper has established a new kind of AS-AD models with input-output techniques. The models take the standard input-output tables as its starting points. We analyze the change effects of government consumption, direct consumption coefficient, labor productivity, and surplus rate on the equilibrium output. In this paper, we propose that the aggregate demand function curve should be right upward, and this lead to a series of inconsistent conclusions with the traditional views. Finally, we also analyze the well-known issue of stagflation.

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Liu, X. (2011) A New Model for AS-AD Analysis Based on Input-Output Frame. Modern Economy, 2, 203-212. doi: 10.4236/me.2011.23026.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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