How Different Is the Cognition towards Dissertation between Candidates for Mathematics Master Degree and Reviewers? ()
This research focused on the cognition differences of candidates for Ed. M. in mathematics and reviewers towards dissertation. We showed 3 different levels dissertations to 37 candidates and 5 reviewers and analyzed the scores mean on 55 items. The results indicated that most candidates’ cognitions towards dissertation were quite different from reviewers’, especially the cognitions on dissertation literature review, question expressing and analysis, research methods, research works, application of professional knowledge, results and conclusion. These candidates’ cognitions were overall superficial and not in place; even some of them were inexact or false. So the supervisors should introduce candidates for Ed. M. in mathematics some fundamental, concrete and detailed knowledge about dissertation in order to help them write out a good dissertation.
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Yang, Z. and Zhou, H. (2015) How Different Is the Cognition towards Dissertation between Candidates for Mathematics Master Degree and Reviewers?.
Open Journal of Social Sciences,
3, 145-149. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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